Appointment booking for Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD is currently not available.Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD has not yet fully activated their profile on DiabetesIQ.
Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD (he/him) is a Internist in Covina, CA with over 18 years of experience. What is your opinion of Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD? Rate this provider below so other people can make informed decision.
Over 18 Years of Experience
Languages Spoken
Accepted Insurances
Payments Received
Many providers receive payments from medical companies such as pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies. These payments can range from small amounts for meals to large consulting fees. We provide this information in order to make healthcare system more transparent. Between 2014 and 2020 Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD has received over $2,493 which includes payments from the following companies:
$1,349.63 from Novo Nordisk Inc
$453.40 from Amgen Inc.
$270.97 from sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC
$110.06 from Pfizer Inc.
$99.00 from Roche Diagnostics Corporation
$68.60 from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
$56.97 from E.R. Squibb & Sons, L.L.C.
$37.29 from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc
$35.29 from Abbott Laboratories
$12.20 from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Payments received by Dr. Joseph Alonzo, MD were from the following categories:
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